Monday, December 10, 2007

Essay - Dowry System in Nepal

Dowry System in Nepal

Nepal being a Hindu nation has a male dominating society. Males are considered as the main member in the family to endure the responsibility to feed the other members and guarantee them to get the proper need they require. While females mainly spend their life in the household works, feeding, and taking proper care of the children. Males are the one to have relation with other personalities and females are mainly bound within the area of the house. Female before marriage spends her time with their parents and after marriage she goes to her husband’s house for rest of her life.
When a child is born and if that particular is he, then that would be considered to be of great issue for all the family members and will happily accept the son. A great celebration is organized or else; the mother will be blamed for having a girl as child. This is because of the burden of ‘Dowry’ which the parents have to bear while marrying their daughter. Dowry is the wealth or property provided by the bride’s parents/guardians to the bridegroom’s side in the ceremony of marriage. Although this is only the tradition but in many cases this is considered as the compulsory one. Especially in Terai region this is the only means for your daughter to get married, otherwise there will be hardly any person marrying the daughter. In city or town area including in capital also, it has been a new trend of giving dowry to the bridegroom’s side. The family giving fewer dowries will be considered as a low category. The system is getting conservation as a show off and let your neighbor know how sophisticated you are.

Due to all these cases, the dowry is getting its branch higher and longer. Therefore, we should start the major steps to eliminate this from its root level. The following points should be considered for the minimization of the dowry problems:

1. Gender Equality:

No discrimination between the son and the daughter, can assure the solution of many problems we are facing at the real time. Whether we are a girl or a boy, if we get the proper behavior from all our belongings then there will be very fewer chances for us to think about the dowry.

2. Public Awareness:

The public should be made aware about the negative aspects of the dowry system. Although it can be the love of the parents for their daughter, but giving something to the daughter should not be done in front of the public as the showoff and such affairs should be kept aside from the guest. Public at the same time, should be made aware through all the possible means in such a way that no single individual fails to regret the dowry.

3. Education:

Education is the medium for every people to be the independent in the society. If we give the proper education to our girls then there will not be any necessity to give the dowry. Education also gives the proper knowledge against the dowry to the children so that they will not agree for the marriage even though there is the case of giving or taking the dowry. The children who will later on surpass their initial stage and be matured can deny the system of dowry.

4. Proper Law and Order:

Proper law and order should be designed for punishing the side, which force for the dowry system. There are many cases in the Terai region of not marrying the girl without the dowry or the girls are even shown the harsh reputation for not having the demanded dowry. The perfect law and order can diminish such kind of problems with no further existence of dowry.
If the following majors are taken sincerely and critically, the dowry system can be eliminated. We all should have a unity against the dowry so that we can make a society free of the problem and make it an ideal one.

Essay - Computer Software and its Types

Computer Software and its Types

A computer cannot do anything on its own. It must be instructed to do a desired to do a desired job. Hence, it is necessary to specify a sequence of instructions, which a computer must perform to solve a problem. Such a sequence of instructions, written in a language, which can be understood by a computer, is called a computer program. It is the program, which controls the activity of processing by the computer, and the computer performs precisely what the program wants it to do. When a computer is using a program, we say, it is running or executing that program. The term software is refers to the set of computer programs, procedures, and associated documents (flowcharts, manuals, etc.), which describes the programs, and how they are to be used. To be precise, software means a collection of programs, whose objective is to enhance the capabilities of the hardware. A software package is a group of programs, which solve a specific problem or perform a specific type of job. For example, a word-processing package may contain programs for text editing, text formatting, drawing graphics, spelling checking, etc. Hence, a multipurpose computer system has several software packages, one each for each for every type of job it can perform.

Types of software
Although, the range of software available today is vast and varied, most software can be divided into two major categories:

System Software,
Application Software

System Software:

System software is a set of one or more programs, designed to control the operation and extend the processing capability of a computer system. In general, a computer’s system software performs one or more of the following functions:
Supports the development of other application software.
Supports the execution of other application software.
Monitors the effective use of various hardware resources, such as CPU, memory, peripherals, etc.
Communicates with and controls the operation of peripheral devices, such as printer, disk, tape, etc.
Hence, system software makes the operation of a computer system more efficient and effective. It helps the hardware components work together, and provides support for the development and execution of application software. The programs included in a system software package are called system programs, and the programmers who prepare system software are referred to as system programmers.

Some of the most commonly known types of system software are:

Operating Systems: Every computer has an operating system software, which takes care of the effective and efficient utilizationof all the hardware and software components of the computer system.
Programming Language Translators: Programming language translators are system software, which transform the instructions prepared by programmers in a programming language, into a form, which can be interpreted and executed.
Communication Software: In a network environment, communications software enables transfer of data and programs from one computer to another.
Utility Programs: Utility programs are set of programs, which help users in system maintenance tasks, and in performing tasks of routine nature. Some of the task commonly performed by utility programs include formatting of hard disk or floppy disks, taking backup of files stored on hard disk, sorting of the records stored in a file, etc.

Application Software:

Application software is a set of one or more programs, designed to solve a specific problem, or to do a specific task. For example, application software for payroll processing products pay slips as the major output, and application software for processing examination results produces mark sheets as the major along with some other statistical reports. Similarly, a program written by a scientist to solve his/her particular research problem is also application software. The programs included in application software package are called application programs, and the programmers who prepare application software are referred to as application programmers. There are literally millions of application software for a wide range of application, ranging from simple applications, such as word processing, inventory management, preparation of tax returns, banking, hospital administration, insurance, publishing, to complex scientific and engineering applications, suck as weather forecasting, space shuttle launching, oil and natural gas exploration, design of complex structures like aircrafts, ships, bridges, sky-rise buildings, etc. with so many applications available, it is not possible to categorize them all, and to cover them here. Some of the most commonly known application software’s are:

Word-Processing Software: Word processing software enables us to make use of a computer system for creating, editing, and viewing, formatting, sorting, retrieving and printing documents.
Spreadsheet Software: Spreadsheet software is a numeric data analysis tool, which allows us to create a kind of computer ledger. A manual ledger is a book having rows and columns, which accountants use for financial transactions, and for preparing financial statements.
Database Software: A database is a collection of related data stored and treated as a unit for information retrieval purposes. Database software is a set of one or more programs, which enable us to create a database, maintain it, organize its data in desired fashion, and to selectively retrieve useful information from it.
Graphics Software: A graphics software enables us to use a computer system for creating, editing, viewing, sorting, retrieving and printing designs, drawings, pictures, graphs, and anything else that can be drawn in the traditional manner.
Personal Assistance Software: Personal assistance software allows us to use personal computers for sorting and retrieving our personal information, and planning and managing our schedules, contacts, financial and inventory of important items.
Education Software: Education software allows a computer system to be used as teaching and learning tool. A few examples of such applications are those that teach young children to do
(a) mathematics; (b) recognize alphabets; and (c) read whole and sentences.
Entertainment Software: Entertainment software allows a computer system to be used as an entertainment tool. A good example of such an application is computer video games.

Essay - Classification of computers on the basis of work

Classification of computers on the basis of work

Computers can be classified into various categories depending on the work tend to perform and they are as follows:
Analog Computers: Analog computer is one that measures physical values, such as temperature or pressure. We have seen different devices used as analog device. Speedometer, Milometer, Millimeter etc are some of the analog devices. Analog computers are mostly used by the government or big institutions so as to facilitate their member with all the possibilities they can. Analog computers are used for process control in industries also.
Digital Computers: A digital computers performs its functions on the basis of counting of numbers or digits. Digital computer does not measure the analog tasks. It does not show the pressure also. Digital computers function by counting the digits (0 and 1). The general concept of computers is related to digital computer.
Hybrid Computers: Hybrid computers are capable of performing both analog and hybrid tasks. It has the good quality of analog computers including hybrid computers. The analog signal may be transferred in digital which is shown on the monitor attached with the computer. Such computers are used in hospitals, jet engines, etc. the hybrid computers attached to the jet planes does the automatic tasks i.e. it helps the pilots to fly aero planes at any time without any coincidence.
Classification of computers on the basis of size: Computers can be classified into various sizes depending on its look or appearance and they are as follows:
Super computer: Super computer possesses all the computer capabilities. Such computers are used in research institutes, scientific researches, etc. These computers are massive and have huge processing speed as well as control capabilities. Till now it is the most powerful, efficient, reliable computers ever invented.

Mainframe computer: Like super computers mainframe computers also consist of huge storage unit and processing capabilities. These computers consists central processing unit (C.P.U), tape units, hard disks, card readers, many visual display units, etc. These computers are mostly owned by the government, agencies, universities, research centers, etc to carry out their various tasks or researches. These computers also consist of various work stations.
Mini computers: Mini computers are medium in size. Mini computers may have many terminals or work stations. In LAN mini computers are widely used. Mini computers typically serve many users. Mini computers are much faster than micro computers but the processing capabilities of newer micros surpass the capability of early minis.
Micro computers: Micro computers are the most common computers today and these computers are based on microprocessors. Latest micro computers are very fast indeed. The size of the micro computer may vary from small desktop size to a laptop size. In spite of being small they are capable of performing heavy task and this characteristic has made these computers very popular. These computers are user friendly than any other computers because being small in size it can be carried to the desired places easily where the people demand. Laptop and palmtop computers can be taken as an example which most of the people prefer. In the future there is a high probability that micro computer will surpass all the computers and will be able to perform each and every tasks.

Essays - General Architecture of Computer

General Architecture of Computer

Input Unit: Data and instructions must enter the computer system, before any computation can be performed on the supplied data. This task is performed by the input unit, which the external environment with the computer system. Data and instructions enter input units, which depend upon the particular device used. For example, data are entered from a keyboard in a manner similar to typing, and this differs from the way in which data are entered through a scanner, which is another type of input device. However, regardless of the form in which they receive their inputs, all input devices must transform the input data into binary codes, which the primary memory of a computer is designed to accept. This transformation is accomplished by units input interfaces. Input interfaces are designed to match the unique physical or electrical characteristics of input devices, to the requirements of the computer system.
In short, the following functions are performed by an input unit:
It accepts the instructions and data from the outside world.
It converts these instructions and data in computer acceptable form.
It supplies the converted instructions and data to the computer system for further processing.
Output Unit: The job of an output unit is the reverse of that of an input unit. It supplies the information obtained from data processing, to the outside world. Hence, it links the computer with the external environment. As computers work with binary code, the results produced are also in the binary form. Hence, before supplying the results to the outside world, they must be converted to the human acceptable form. This is accomplished by units called output interfaces. Output interfaces are designed to match the unique physical or electrical characteristics of the outside devices to the requirements of the external environment.
In short, the following functions are performed by an output unit:
It accepts the result produced by the computer, which are in coded form, and hence, cannot be easily understood by us.
It converts these coded results to human acceptable form.
It supplies the converted results to the outside world.
Storage Unit: The data and instructions, which are entered into input units, have to be stored inside the computer, before the actual processing starts. Similarly, the results produced by the computer after processing, must also be kept somewhere inside the computer system, before being passed on to the output units. Moreover, the intermediate results produced by the computer, must also be preserved for ongoing processing. The storage unit of a computer is designed to crater to all these needs. It provides space for sorting data and instructions, space for intermediate results, and space for the final results.

In short, the specific functions of the storage unit are to hold:
The data and instructions required for processing.
Intermediate results of processing.
Final results of processing, before these results are released to an output device.
Arithmetic Logic Unit: The arithmetic logic unit of a computer system is the place, where the actual execution of the instructions takes place, during the processing operation. To be more precise, calculations are performed, and all comparisons are made in the ALU. The data and instructions, stored in the primary storage before processing, are transferred as and when needed to the ALU, where processing takes place. No processing is done in the primary storage, until needed later. Hence, data may move from primary storage to ALU, and back again to storage, many times, before the processing is over the type and number of arithmetic and logical operations, which a computer can perform, is determined by the engineering design of ALU. However, almost all ALUs are designed perform the four basic arithmetic operations (add, subtract, multiply and divide), and logic operations or comparisons, such as less than, equal to, and greater than.
Control Unit: How does the input device know that it is time for it to feed data into the storage unit? How does ALU know, what should be done with the data once they are received? Moreover, how is that only the final results are sent to the output device, and not the intermediate results? All this is possible due to the control unit if the computer system. Although, it does not perform any actual processing on the data, the control unit acts as a central nervous system, for the other components of the computer system. It manages and coordinates the entire computer system. It obtains instructions from the program stored in the main memory, interprets the instructions, and issues signals, which cause other units of the system to execute them.
Central Processing unit: The control and the arithmetic logic unit of a computer system are jointly known as the Central Processing Unit. The CPU in the brain of a computer system. In a human body, all major decisions are taken by the brain, and the other parts of the body function as directed by the brain. Similarly, in a computer system, all major calculations and comparisons are made inside CPU, and the CPU is responsible for activating and controlling the operations of other units of the computer system.

Essay - Free Trade


Free Trade is a market model in which trade in goods and services between or within countries flow unhindered by government-imposed restrictions. Restrictions to trade include taxes and tariffs, and other non-tariff barriers, such as legislation and quotas. Trade liberalization entails reductions to these trade barriers.
There may be different views over the discussion on the topics of its advantages and disadvantages. The one opposing the topics says that it usually benefits the larger, wealthier countries whose big companies are looking to expand and sell their goods abroad, in this way the developing countries, whose small companies could not compete the larger one would have to imports the goods much more than they exports, hence facing the business loss. In this case, the highest level of "Protection" should be maintained.

Advantage of free trade can be illustrated by the following example:

“Two men live alone in an isolated island. To survive they must undertake a few basic economic activities like water carrying, fishing, cooking and shelter construction and maintenance. The first man is young, strong, and educated and is faster, better, more productive at everything. He has an absolute advantage in all activities. The second man is old, weak, and uneducated. He has an absolute disadvantage in all economic activities. In some activities the difference between the two is great; in others it is small.
Is it in the interest of either of them to work in isolation? No, specialization and exchange (trade) can benefit both of them.
How should they divide the work? According to comparative, not absolute advantage: the young man must spend more time on the tasks in which he is much better and the old man must concentrate on the tasks in which he is only a little worse. Such an arrangement will increase total production and/or reduce total labor. It will make both of them richer”.

Advantages of free trade
Free Trade occurs when there are no artificial barriers put in place by governments to restrict the flow of goods and services between trading nations.
When trade barriers, such as tariffs and subsidies are put in place, they protect domestic producers from international competition and redirect, rather than create trade flows.
1. Increased production
Free trade enables the countries to specialize in the production of those commodities in which it had a comparative advantage.
With specialization, countries are able to take advantage of efficiencies generated from economies of scale and increase output.
International trade increases the size of a firm’s market, resulting in lower average costs and increased productivity.

2. Production efficiencies
Free trade improves the efficiency of resource allocation. The more efficient use of resources leads to higher productivity and increasing total domestic output of goods and services.
Increased competition promotes innovative production methods, the use of new technology, marketing and distribution methods.

3. Benefits to consumers
Consumers benefit in the domestic economy as they can now obtain a greater variety of goods and services.
The increased competition ensures goods and services, as well as inputs, is supplied at the lowest prices. For example in Australia imported motor vehicles would cost 25% more if the 1998 tariff levels still applied. Clothing and footwear would also cost around 14% more.
4. Foreign exchange gains
When Australia sells exports overseas it receives hard currency from the countries that buy the goods. This money is then used to pay for imports such as electrical equipment and cars that are produced more cheaply overseas.

5. Employment
Trade liberalization creates losers and winners as resources move to more productive areas of the economy. Employment will increase in exporting industries and workers will be displaced as import competing industries fold in the competitive environment.
With free trade many jobs have been created in Australia, especially in manufacturing and service industries.

6. Economic growth
The countries involved in free trade experience rising living standards, increased real incomes and higher rates of economic growth.

Essay – Pleasures of Reading

Pleasures of Reading
“Much study is a weariness to the flesh”, said King Soloman. We agree. But study has its own pleasure too so long as it is not carried to access. Reading gives us a good deal of pleasure, when we read the book for the joy of it, when the thought of the examination does not frighten us or the vain glorious ambition of making a name does not take entire possession of us.
All other pursuits and hobbies offer pleasure to man of particular taste and temperament. Every man cannot enjoy playing cricket; everyone cannot afford playing tennis or indulge in the pleasure of photography. But reading offers pleasure to men of all tastes, temperaments and age groups. There are books for children, books for young men and book for age people.
Nothing is so exciting, so absorbing, so thrilling and Kalidas offers us all the sweetness and beauty of nature. With Coleridge we enter into the world of strangeness, mystery and the supernatural. Keats offers sumptuous feast of sweetness and beauty for our heart, min and all our senses. Every age and country has its great poetry. Then there are great plays, tragedies and comedies. When we read plays written by masters like Euripides, Sophocles or Shakespeare, we forget ourselves and our familiar surroundings. We move with the characters. We feel, think, act and suffer with them. For sometime we become a Caeser. A Hmalet or an Othello. Their problems and experience become our problems and experience. Something similar happens when we read great novels. Tolstoy, Balzac, Harty, Dickens, BalKrishna Sama and the host of other great novelists of the world are there. Their novels make interesting and enlightening reading. In Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” we see the light in Czarist Russia. Who experience the horrors and thrills of the Napolonic wars? In short, reading interesting novels brings us great joy. It releases us from a prison of purely personal problems. It makes us live other people’s lives, without actually suffering any loss. We identify ourselves with the hero or the heroine, sure their pleasures and pains, we can laugh with them learn from their mistakes and yet actually we neither bleed like the wounded hero or die like the heart broken heroine. Pleasures of reading have this uniqueness, that it brings us all the thrill of actual living without the anger of it. All other pleasures involve some danger to our soul and self; but reading, provided it is good reading involves no such dangers.
Through reading we enjoy this world and life with millions of minds, eyes and ears. When we read a great book by a great writer we are looking at life with his eyes. How exciting and pleasant it is to see life with the eyes of the greatest men of all ages. In all other pursuits we find pleasure of our own senses, heart and mind. In reading we see, enjoy and understand life through more sensitive senses, large-hearts and nobler minds. Pleasure of reading is the only greater and more satisfying than this pleasure of self-improvement and self-expansion. Reading is the best recreation; it brings great pleasure and knowledge and wisdom in bargain. Besides physically health, mental and moral health is also important for our happiness. Readings bring this pleasure of mental and moral strength also. Wisdom gathered from books gives us strength to face the troubles and accidents of life bravely.
The pleasures of reading can be had at any time. There is no fixed time for it, and no rigid rule. We can sip the pleasures of reading from a magazine or a morning paper, while sipping our morning tea. We can lie in a bed and keep on reading a novel or a drama, or poetry throughout the night. In a railway compartment we can be deaf and blind to all noise, dirt and crowd, and, be in the company of Socrates, Shakespeare, Shaw, Tolstoy, Wordsworth, Laksmi Prasad Devkota or Keats. We can read all about the exciting adventure of man’s first dating with the moon.

But we should make a wise choice of books; we need not always be guided by the views of learned men. We should read what we like reading. We should have to try our own favorites. Read widely and see for yourself whom you like. Certain writers suit over temperaments, other repel us.
We must not allow our pleasure to be spoiled by anything. The sneer of the scholars need not worry us. Study should be a pleasurable activity. We must remember that there are very few things in life which are as enjoyable as reading the book you like. This pleasure is pure, and is intellectual. It may also be quiet intense. Some books appeal to our softer sentiments or rouse our nobler emotions. They touch what is the best and the highest in us.
Every man should cultivate taste for reading, because it is the least expensive and the most exciting and thrilling means of recreation. On one hand it brings us unmixed pleasure and sense of peace, health and well-being, and on the other hand, it keeps us well-informed and up-to-date.
However much we may pity the scholarly, recluse foe his other worldliness and abstraction, can we deny that he is a very happy man? He does not want glory or gain. To him an obsolete word traced to its original root has a thrill that nothing else can provide. Like Browing’s Gramumarian he is soul with the sacred thirst. For him there is no end to learning. People like him do not want any other pleasure in life. Southey has described such a man for us in his Scholar, and we catch a glimpse of him in Milton’s II Penseroso.

“Let my lamp at midnight hour,
Be seen in some high lonely tower.
With thrice-great Hermes or unsphere
The spirit of Plato……………………..”

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Business Organization And Its Types


In economics, a Business Organization is a legally-recognized organizational entity designed to sell goods and/or services to consumers or other businesses, usually in an effort to generate profit.
The etymology of "Business" relates to the state of being busy either as an individual or society, doing commercially viable and profitable work. The term "business" has at least three usages, depending on the scope — the singular usage to mean a particular company or corporation, the generalized usage to refer to a particular market sector, such as "the record business," or the broadest meaning to include all activity by the community of suppliers of goods and services. However, the exact definition of business, like much else in the philosophy of business, is a matter of debate.

Although forms of business ownership vary by country and local government, there are several common forms of business ownership:

1. Sole Proprietorship,
2. Partnership,
3. Corporation and
4. Cooperative.
Sole Proprietorship:

The sole proprietorship is the oldest, most common, and simplest form of business organization. A sole proprietorship is a business entity owned and managed by one person. The sole proprietorship can be organized very informally, is not subject to much federal or state regulation, and is relatively simple to manage and control.
Sole proprietorships are so easy to set up and maintain that you may already own one without knowing it. For instance, if you are a freelance photographer or writer, a craftsperson who takes jobs on a contract basis, a salesperson who receives only commissions, or an independent contractor who isn't on an employer's regular payroll, you are automatically a sole proprietor.
However, even though a sole proprietorship is the simplest of business structures, you shouldn't fall asleep at the wheel. You may have to comply with local registration, business license, or permit laws to make your business legitimate. And you should look sharp when it comes to tending your business, because you are personally responsible for paying both income taxes and business debts.
A sole proprietor can be held personally liable for any business-related obligation. This means that if your business doesn't pay a supplier, defaults on a debt, or loses a lawsuit, the creditor can legally come after your house or other possessions.
Take the following example:
Lester is the owner of a small manufacturing business. When business prospects look good, he orders $50,000 worth of supplies and uses them in creating merchandise. Unfortunately, there's a sudden drop in demand for his products, and Lester can't sell the items he has produced. When the company that sold Lester the supplies demands payment, he can't pay the bill. As sole proprietor, Lester is personally liable for this business obligation. This means that the creditor can sue him and go after not only Lester's business assets, but his personal property as well. This can include his house, his car, and his personal bank account.

Some points relating Sole Proprietorship are listed below:
· Easiest type of business organization to establish. There are no formal requirements for
starting a sole proprietorship
· Decision making is in direct hands of owner.
· All profits and losses of the business are reported directly to the owner's income tax return.
· The startup costs for a sole proprietorship are minimal.
· Owner has unlimited liability. Both the business and personal assets of the sole proprietor are
subject to the claims of creditors.
· Because a sole proprietorship is not a separate legal entity, it usually terminates when the
owner becomes disabled, retires, or dies. As a result, the sole proprietorship lacks continuity
and does not have perpetual existence like other business organizations.
· It is difficult for a sole proprietorship to raise capital. Financial resources are generally limited
to the owner's funds and any loans outsiders are willing to provide.
· Owner could spend unlimited amount of time responding to business needs.

Some of the advantages and disadvantages regarding Sole proprietorship can be listed as:

● Ease of formation
● Low start-up costs
● Less administrative paperwork than some other organizational structures (such as
● Owner in direct control of decision making
● Minimal working capital required
● Tax advantages to owner
● All profits to owner
● Unlimited liability
● Difficulty raising capital
● Lack of continuity in business organization in the absence of the owner

Essay - Cultural Elements Transferred to me from my Parents and GrandParents

Cultural Elements Transferred to me from my Parents and GrandParents

Culture is defined as the shared patterns of behaviors and interactions, cognitive constructs, and affective understanding that are learned through a process of socialization. These shared patterns identify the members of a culture group while also distinguishing those of another group.
Being an inborn Nepali I am strongly influenced by Nepalese culture and have inherited Nepalese rituals and customs from my ancestors.
Three of such cultural elements can be listed as follows:

The first and for most thing that I was thought is deep faith in God and Hinduism. I learned our style of making daily prayer to God, performing several rituals for worshiping him. In the same context I have adopted many Festivals and the ways of celebrating them from my ancestors. We celebrate several festivals, lasting from one day to several days.Among which Dashain is the longest and the most important festival of all. Generally Dashain falls in late September to mid October, right after the end of the mansoon season in Nepal. It is "a day of Victory over Demons". During this festival Lord Durga is worshiped for ten countinuous days and on the tenth day with is also known as the day of Tika, the elders in family put a red coloured powder (Tika) to the foreheads of the younger and give them their blessings. These festivals not only strengthen our faith in god but also reflect our strong family relationships, our love for youngers and respect for the elders.
The second thing that was passed onto me from the earlier generation is my eating habit. Typical hilli staple foods consist of Dal-Bhat (lentil soup and cooked rice) with Tarkari, that is, vegetable curries. This is consumed twice daily, generally in the morning, and shortly after the sunset. Between these main meals, during mid-day, snackslike chura/Baji (beaten rice) and tea are consumed. While eating with hands, lentil soup is poured over cooked rice, a little vegetable currie is added, and the chunk so prepared is consumed by right hand.

And the third cultural element that I was passed onto is my native language Nepali. Every child learns to speak the language of his native place. All of those sounds seemed to come from nature, creating feeling of harmony and peace. So I got the sound to express myself in my world which I was taught by my father and mother and other earlier generations. With the first word "Aama" (mother) I gradually learned many other words and the whole grammar of my language from my earlier generations. When I was wrong founding the correct word for my feeling there were my earlier generations providing me the correct solutions.

These Cultures transferred to me from my earlier generations was also the outcome of their earlier ones. And have been transferred from me to my children and grandchildren.

Essay - Hinduism

Hindu religion is the world’s oldest religion beginning from more than 5000 years. Many people from all over the world and especially from South and South East Asia follow this religion. The term "Hindus" has been evolved from the term "Indus" (The river at the bank of which the civilization is evolved).
Hinduism has grown to become the world's third largest religion, after Christianity and Islam. It claims about 837 million followers - 13% of the world's population. It is the dominant religion in India, Nepal, and among the Tamils in Sri Lanka. According to the "Yearbook of American & Canadian Churches," there are about 1.1 million Hindus in the U.S. The "American Religious Identification Survey" is believed to be more accurate. They estimated smaller number: 766,000 Hindus in 2001. Still, this is a very significant increase from 227,000 in 1990. Statistics Canada estimates that there are about 157,015 Hindus in Canada.

The specialty about the Hinduism is that it does not have a single founder; it is developed out of Brahmanism. Aum (\) is the main symbol of Hinduism. It is the sound heard in deepest meditation and is said to be the name most suited for God. It is said that Aum is the combination of three main gods of the religion ‘Aa’ (Brahma), ‘Uu’ (Bishnu) and ‘Ma’ (Maheshwor). Among the three gods Brahma is considered as the Creator, Bishnu as the Preserver and Maheshwor (Shiva) as the Destroyer. There may be different names for each of the god. For e.g. Umashankar, NilKhantha, Maheshwor, Mahadev, Shankar, Umapati, Pashupati (God of Animals) etc. are the name referring the lord Shiva. Many gods are worshipped by the Hindus. The myth said that there are more than thirty-three koti (330,000,000) gods in Hindu mythology. For example Krishna, Rama, Saraswoti, Laxmi, Narsimha, Parvati, Indra etc.

Most Hindus worship (puja) every day at home and have a shrine there. A shrine can be anything from a room, simple pictures or statues of the god and goddess. Family members worship together in the morning after having bath and being fresh before having any breakfast. Some worship at the evening as well. At the shrine, they make offerings to a murti. A murti is a sacred statue of a God or a Goddess. The place where all Hindus go for common worship is called Mandir (Hindu Temple). The temples may be of different gods and are the focus of religious life. For example Pashupait (at Kathmandu, Nepali is the temple of Lord Shiva whereas Changunarayan (at Bhaktapur, Nepal) is the temple of Lord Bishnu. During the Puja worshippers repeat the names of their favorite gods, goddesses, and the mantras. Water, fruit, flowers and incense are offered to the gods.

Hinduism does not just have one sacred book but several scriptures. The Vedas are the main scriptures which tell them about their duties, their science and medicine. There are four Vedas, and they are; Rg-Veda (Rigveda), Yajur-Veda, Sama-Veda and Atharva-Veda, all written in the ancient script Sanskrit. Some other scriptures are The Upanishads, The Smritis, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagwat Geeta and The Puranas etc. There are many myths relating to the Hindu Religion. Most of them are related to Lord Bishnu and his "Avatar", Lord Shiva and Lord Indra.

Hindus believe in Heaven and Hell, they believe in Re-incarnation, Mokshya (The way towards the heaven and the peace after their deadth) the Fal/Result of their bad doings (which they say "Kukarma" due to which they cannot get Mokshya and hence have to take rebirth for washing away the kukarma by doing well), Shakti (power) etc.

The practices give some of the terminology relating to the Hinduism as:

Doctrine of Aatmabrahman
Ahimsa – Non Injury.
Doctrines of transmigration and karma
Concepts of Istadevata and Trimurti
Ashrams: the four stages of life ( Bramhachari, Gristha, Vanaprastha and Sannyasin)
Three margas: paths to salvation
Dharma – the way for the heaven.